// Sheet URL let sheetUrl = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/" + sheetID + "/" + sheetPage + "/public/values?alt=json"; // Dah Page URL let pageURL = window.location.href; // URL without any bits let vanillaURL = pageURL.split('?')[0]; // Pulls ID from URL let designID = pageURL.split('=')[1]; // All values from the google sheet will be // pushed here to be called later on let values = []; // Calls JSON Data $.getJSON(sheetUrl, function(data) { // Sorts through data $.each(data.feed.entry, function (index, value) { // Set up to create object let obj = {}; for (let cell in value) { // Removes the cells that aren't needed if( cell !== "gsx$trsid" && cell !== "id" && cell !== "updated" && cell !== "category" && cell !== "title" && cell !== "content" && cell !== "link" ) { // Removes the gsx$ suffix from the cells being used let parseCell = cell.replace("gsx$", ""); // Adds link into the object Object.assign(obj, {link: vanillaURL + "?id=" + obj["id"]}); // Makes sure the values are in their right keys obj[parseCell] = value[cell].$t; } } // Pushes new object to values variable values.push(obj); }); // Checks if the page is trying to direct // to a card if (pageURL.includes('?id=')) { // Grabs the values you need for the card // So you don't have to put them in manually let itemArray = Object.keys(values[0]); // Replaces the 'image' in the array with something // that'll actually make it an image itemArray[2] = { name: 'image', attr: 'src' }; // List.js options for the item let itemOptions = { valueNames: itemArray, item: 'charadex-card', }; // Create List let charadexItem = new List('charadex-entry', itemOptions, values); // Searches for the correct item to display charadexItem.search(designID); // Hides the big gallery and the search $('#charadex-gallery').hide(); }else{ // Hides the single entry & shows the search $('#charadex-entry').hide(); $('#search').show(); // List.js Options let galleryOptions = { valueNames: [ 'id', 'owner', 'artist', 'designer', { name: 'image', attr: 'src' }, { name: 'link', attr: 'href' } ], searchColumns: [ 'id', 'owner', 'artist', 'designer' ], item: 'charadex-item', page: numOfItems, pagination: [{ innerWindow: 3, left: 2, right: 2, paginationClass: 'pagination-top', },{ innerWindow: 3, left: 2, right: 2, paginationClass: 'pagination-bottom', }], }; // Create List let charadex = new List('charadex-gallery', galleryOptions, values); charadex.sort('id',{order: order }); // Force search to work outside list $('#search').on('keyup', function() { let searchString = $(this).val(); charadex.search(searchString); }); // Style pagination list items const bsStyle = () =>{ $('.pagination > li').addClass('page-item'); $('.pagination > li > a').addClass('page-link'); } // Add prev & next const navButtons = () =>{ $('.pagination').append('